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How do I find out what generation I am looking for?

All about avatar generations

➟ My avatars are categorized into Generations.

These Generations mark certain things like creation time period, features, setup, compatibility, etc. (only internally I there is not a specific combination of these factors set to imply a next generation).


Avatar generations can be viewed in the Avatar gallery and on each product page. You can find a list of the defining factors for each generation & all avatars listed in each generation here!

How to use my avatar packages?

Gen. 3

➟ My packages include the FBX of the Model, and multiple prefabs to choose from that are set up to easily upload the model.


Install the Unity Hub & The correct Unity version:

‣ Install the Unity Hub

➟ Go to the Unity website and click "Download for Windows"

➟ Run the file & create a Unity account (If you don't have one already), then Sign in

➟ Select the "Personal" license

➟ Done!

‣ Install the correct Unity version

➟ Go to the VRChat docs and look for the "Current Unity Version"

➟ Head over to the Unity Download Archive & look for the Unity Version mentioned in the VRChat docs

➟ Select "Unity Hub" for your download option & allow the website to open the Hub

➟ In the Unity Hub you can now install that version for specific platforms. If you are on Quest, make sure to check "Android Build Support"!

➟ Then click "Continue"/"Install" ➟ Wait until the download has been completed

➟ Done!


Install the VRChat Creator Companion (VCC):

‣ Installing the VCC

➟ Go to the VRChat website and Log in

➟ Go to "Download" and click "Download the Creator Companion"

➟ Run the file & click through the popups to register Unity NOTE: If you do not have the correct Unity version you can install it from the VCC as it's gonna prompt you to do so.


Uploading an Avatar:

FIRST: Decide which version (PC - TPS/PC - No TPS/Quest) you want to upload! These versions should NOT be combined in a single project, so create one project for each version!

‣ Create a new Avatar project in the VCC

➟ Click "Create New Project" in the VCC ➟ Select the "Avatar Project" template ➟ (optional) Rename & Change file location of the Project ➟ Click "Create Project"

‣ Import the SDK (Manage Packages - automatically opened)

➟ Ensure that the SDK is imported ("-" to the right) (VRChat Package Resolver Tool, VRChat SDK - Base, VRChat SDK - Avatars) ➟ (optional) Click on the "+" to the right to import:

‣ AV3Emulator

‣ Gesture Manager

‣ Avatars 3.0 Manager

‣ AudioLink

‣ Open Project

‣ Import Shaders

➟ The Poiyomi shader is needed! Use version 8.1/8.2 (Or up (May break!))

‣ Poiyomi Toon (Free) is needed for all packages without TPS

‣ Poiyomi Pro (Patreon subscription) is needed for all packages with TPS

‣ Quest versions do not need the Poiyomi shader at all (Do NOT import ANY shaders!)

➟ In your Project (Folders) right click "Import Package">"Custom Package">Select the Shader>"Import"

‣ Import the package

➟ In your Project (Folders) right click "Import Package">"Custom Package">Select the avatar package>"Import"

‣ Open Scene called OPEN or drag in prefab

➟ Prefabs are located in "Avatar">"Model">"Prefab"

‣ Upload

For PC:

➟ Go to "VRChat SDK">"Show Control Panel"(make sure you are logged in & have a prefab of the avatar in the Scene)>"Builder">Click "Build & Publish for Windows"

For Quest:

➟ Go to "VRChat SDK">"Show Control Panel"(make sure you are logged in & have a prefab of the avatar in the Scene)>"Builder">Click "Switch Build Target"> Select Quest & Confirm


➟ Go to "File">"Build Settings..."> Select "Android" on "Platform">"Switch Platform"

➟ Go to "VRChat SDK">"Show Control Panel"(make sure you are logged in & have a prefab of the avatar in the Scene)>"Builder">Click "Build & Publish for Android"


There is no tutorial for this generation of Jana's avatars yet, though, for a general beginner's guide and setup, you can still refer to the video below. Keep in mind: the Layout of the packages may differ.

Note: This tutorial was recorded before the VCC was in use, however, most of the video is still valid.


Any Issues/Problems?

Gen. 3

Problems you might run into

If you need help or have any questions head to CONTACT to contact Jana:

Discord Server (Use the tickets or the Unity/Blender help channels)

‣ Fill out the support form (contact/product support)


  1. Materials are broken/pink

If the material has no shader assigned:

➟ Assign the correct shader and lock the material

‣ If the material has a locked Poiyomi shader assigned

➟ Unlock said material and lock it again


2. Unity crashes when materials are being used or on startup / You get an Error message like "info.m_materialCacheIndex < unsigned(kMaxSupportedTextureUnits)

NOTE: Unity has a long-standing issue where the engine will crash when a single shader is using more than 64 texture slots across all materials using that shader.

These 64 slots are counted whether or not a texture is set in the slot. [Read more] ‣ This can occur even if the materials of my avatars use less than said 64 texture slots ‣ ONLY unlock single materials if you need to edit them/they need to be fixed & LOCK THEM right after (Unlocking all materials likely results in a crash like this!).

‣ If Unity crashes normally:

➟ Restart Unity and the VCC

➟ Open the Project using the Unity Hub (I found this helped, may not make a difference though)

➟ Check the materials to either lock unlocked one's and/or assign the shader to one's without, then lock!

‣ If Unity crashes on open/once a material is selected:

➟ Open the project folder (You can do so via the VCC using the "..." to the right of the project)

➟ Close any remaining instance of Unity ➟ Go to "Library"> Delete the "ShaderCache" folder ➟ Restart Unity and the VCC ➟ Open the project

➟ Assign missing shaders & Lock the materials!


➟ Open the project folder (You can do so via the VCC using the "..." to the right of the project)

➟ Close any remaining instance of Unity

➟ Go to "Assets"> Delete the "_PoiyomiShaders" folder

➟ Restart Unity and the VCC

➟ Open the project

➟ Import Poiyomi again ➟ Check the materials to either lock unlocked one's and/or assign the shader to one's without, then lock!


How to use my avatar packages?

Gen. 1 I Gen. 1.5 I Gen. 2

➟ My packages include all the shaders you need, the FBX of the Model, and a prefab that is set up to easily upload the model.

For backgrounds or crediting:

My packages include a folder in the model's path called "Upload", this includes my watermark, logo & a Plane prefab perfectly facing the VRC upload camera so all you need to do is shift-select the Plane & VRC cam and drag it in front of the model to use the upload picture (You need to include my Logo somewhere in your upload picture so feel free either use the upload pic or make your own with my Logo in it!).


Install the Unity Hub & The correct Unity version:

‣ Install the Unity Hub

➟ Go to the Unity website and click "Download for Windows"

➟ Run the file & create a Unity account (If you don't have one already), then Sign in

➟ Select the "Personal" license

➟ Done!

‣ Install the correct Unity version

➟ Go to the VRChat docs and look for the "Current Unity Version"

➟ Head over to the Unity Download Archive & look for the Unity Version mentioned in the VRChat docs

➟ Select "Unity Hub" for your download option & allow the website to open the Hub

➟ In the Unity Hub you can now install that version for specific platforms.

If you are on Quest, make sure to check "Android Build Support"!

➟ Then click "Continue"/"Install" ➟ Wait until the download has been completed

➟ Done!


Install the VRChat Creator Companion (VCC):

‣ Installing the VCC

➟ Go to the VRChat website and Log in

➟ Go to "Download" and click "Download the Creator Companion"

➟ Run the file & click through the popups to register Unity

NOTE: If you do not have the correct Unity version you can install it from the VCC as it's gonna prompt you to do so.


Uploading an Avatar (VCC):

‣ Create a new Avatar project in the VCC

➟ Click "Create New Project" in the VCC ➟ Select the "Avatar Project" template ➟ (optional) Rename & Change file location of the Project ➟ Click "Create Project"

‣ Import the SDK (Manage Packages - automatically opened)

➟ Ensure that the SDK is imported ("-" to the right) (VRChat Package Resolver Tool, VRChat SDK - Base, VRChat SDK - Avatars) ➟ (optional) Click on the "+" to the right to import:

‣ AV3Emulator

‣ Gesture Manager

‣ Avatars 3.0 Manager

‣ AudioLink

‣ Open Project

‣ Import Dynamic bones (Deprecated)

➟ In your Project (Folders) right click "Import Package">"Custom Package">Select DynamicBones>"Import"


➟ Go to "Window">"Asset Store"(make sure you are logged in)>"My Assets">Click "Import" on" Dynamic Bone">"Import"

‣ Do NOT import any shaders

‣ Poiyomi is included!

‣ Import the package

➟ In your Project (Folders) right click "Import Package">"Custom Package">Select the avatar package>"Import"

‣ Open Scene called OPEN or drag in prefab

➟ Prefabs are located in "Avatar">"Model">"Prefab"

‣ Upload

For PC:

➟ Go to "VRChat SDK">"Show Control Panel"(make sure you are logged in & have a prefab of the avatar in the Scene)>"Builder">Click "Build & Publish for Windows"

For Quest:

➟ Go to "VRChat SDK">"Show Control Panel"(make sure you are logged in & have a prefab of the avatar in the Scene)>"Builder">Click "Switch Build Target"> Select Quest & Confirm


➟ Go to "File">"Build Settings..."> Select "Android" on "Platform">"Switch Platform"

➟ Go to "VRChat SDK">"Show Control Panel"(make sure you are logged in & have a prefab of the avatar in the Scene)>"Builder">Click "Build & Publish for Android"


Uploading an Avatar with Unity solely (Deprecated):

‣ Create a new Unity project in the Hub

➟ Click "New Project" in the Unity Hub ➟ Select the "3D Core" template

➟ (optional) Rename & Change file location of the Project

➟ Click "Create Project"

‣ Open Project

‣ Import SDK version 2022. (or up) [2022.]

➟ In your Project (Folders) right click "Import Package">"Custom Package">Select the VRChat SDK>"Import"

‣ Import Dynamic bones (Deprecated)

➟ In your Project (Folders) right click "Import Package">"Custom Package">Select DynamicBones>"Import"


➟ Go to "Window">"Asset Store"(make sure you are logged in)>"My Assets">Click "Import" on" Dynamic Bone">"Import"

‣ Do NOT import any shaders

‣ Poiyomi is included!

‣ Import the package

➟ In your Project (Folders) right click "Import Package">"Custom Package">Select the avatar package>"Import"

‣ Open Scene called OPEN or drag in prefab

➟ Prefabs are located in "Avatar">"Model">"Prefab"

‣ Upload

For PC:

➟ Go to "VRChat SDK">"Show Control Panel"(make sure you are logged in & have a prefab of the avatar in the Scene)>"Builder">Click "Build & Publish for Windows"

For Quest:

➟ Go to "VRChat SDK">"Show Control Panel"(make sure you are logged in & have a prefab of the avatar in the Scene)>"Builder">Click "Switch Build Target"> Select Quest & Confirm


➟ Go to "File">"Build Settings..."> Select "Android" on "Platform">"Switch Platform"

➟ Go to "VRChat SDK">"Show Control Panel"(make sure you are logged in & have a prefab of the avatar in the Scene)>"Builder">Click "Build & Publish for Android"


The video linked here describes the whole process for beginners! Note: This tutorial was recorded before the VCC was in use, however, most of the video is still valid. Update 1: All the models have been updated to VRChat's new Physbones!

This means you can skip part 2.02 "Purchase Dynamic Bones" & part 3.03 "Importing Dynamic Bones" if you are not interested in using the Dynamic Bone versions of the avatars!

At 14:34 you see how the old packages looked including only the Dynamic Bones prefabs.

With the Physbones update the Dynamic Bone versions have been moved into a new folder called "Dynamic Bones", The prefabs you'll see by just opening the prefabs folder are the Physbone versions now!

For Dynamic Bone prefabs go to:

Assets > Avatar > Model > Prefab > Dynamic bones

For Physbone prefabs go to:

Assets > Avatar > Model > Prefab Update 2:

All old models work the same way now too! you can use this video for my new packages (Gen. 2) & the updates of my older packages (Gen. 1 & Gen. 1.5) now!


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